Our Traditions
“Each group is autonomous,” we often note when making group decisions. The second part of the 4th Tradition is just as important: “except in matters affecting other groups or A.A. as a whole.” Tradition 1 tells us “Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon A.A. unity.” These traditions remind us that we must ensure that our group decisions do not negatively impact our fellow members or A.A. as a whole, and that we as individuals act
in ways that ensure our common welfare. Traditions 1 and 4 are important now more than ever. We have to consider the health and well-being of both A.A. members and nonmembers, as well as protect the positive reputation and goodwill of A.A. in the community.
Each Group must decide on their own if and when they wish to resume in-person meetings. Specific guidelines have been and will continue to be set by government agencies (see the Center for Disease Control guidelines here, in addition to covid19.ca.gov and local guidelines listed below. Also, the facilities in which we meet may also have their own guidelines. We urge groups to consult and follow these guidelines to protect our members, our fellowship as a whole, and others with whom we come in contact.
When deciding if your group should resume in-person meetings, remember that our area has meetings in both Ventura and LA counties – both have different requirements.
Ventura County
Los Angeles County
Please read the Health Order from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health